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- 1
Hossein Sedarat, Rasool Khadem, and Horacio Franco,
``Simplified neural network architectures in a hybrid system for
isolated speech recognition'',
in Submitted to the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, May 1998.
- 2
Horacio Franco and Vassilios Digalakis,
``Correlation modeling in a hybrid neural network hidden markov model
speech recognizer'',
Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 1997.
- 3
Victor Abrash,
``Mixture input transformations for adaptation of hybrid
connectionist speech recognizers'',
in Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, Sep. 1997.
- 4
Jacob Goldberger, David Burshtein, and Horacio Franco,
``Segmental modeling using a continuous mixture of non-parametric
in Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, Sep. 1997.
- 5
Horacio Franco, Mitch Weintraub, and Michael Cohen,
``Context modeling in a hybrid hmm-neural net speech recognition
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Houston, TX, 1997.
- 6
Victor Abrash, Ananth Sankar, Horacio Franco, and Michael Cohen,
``Acoustic adaptation using non-linear transformations of HMM
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Atlanta, GA, May 1996.
- 7
M. Weintraub, V. Abrash, H. Franco, and M. Cohen,
SRI Telespot, An LVCSR Telephone Transcription and
Wordspotting System, Version using Multi-Layer Perceptrons,
Speech Technology and Research Laboratory, SRI International, 1995.
- 8
H. Franco, V. Abrash, and M. Cohen,
``Neural net trainer for SRI's hybrid HMM/MLP speech
recognition system'',
Technical report, Speech Technology and Research Laboratory, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, 1995.
- 9
H. Franco and V. Digalakis,
``Temporal correlation modeling in a hybrid neural network/hidden
markov model speech recognizer'',
in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology, pp. 1681-1684, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 1995.
- 10
Vassilios Digalakis, Mitch Weintraub, Ananth Sankar, Horacio Franco, Leonardo
Neumeyer, and Hy Murveit,
``Continuous speech dictation on ARPA's North American business
news domain'',
in ARPA Spoken Language Technology Workshop, pp. 88-93,
Austin, TX, Jan. 1995.
- 11
V. Digalakis, M. Weintraub, A. Sankar, H. Franco, L. Neumeyer, and H. Murveit,
``Continuous speech dictation on ARPA's North American business
news domain'',
in Proceedings of the Spoken Language Technology
Workshop, pp. 88-93, Austin, TX, Jan. 1995.
- 12
V. Digalakis, M. Weintraub, A. Sankar, H. Franco, L. Neumeyer, and H. Murveit,
``Continuous speech dictation on arpa's north american business news
in ARPA Spoken Language Technology Workshop, Austin, TX,
Jan. 1995.
- 13
Victor Abrash, Horacio Franco, Ananth Sankar, and Michael Cohen,
``Connectionist speaker normalization and adaptation'',
in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology, pp. 2183-2186, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 1995.
- 14
M. Weintraub, J. Butzberger, H. Franco, K. Taussig, G. Chen, H. Murveit, and
M. Cohen,
``Transcription and wordspotting using spoken language systems and
neural networks'',
in Speech Research Symposium XIV, Baltimore, MD, June
- 15
S. Renals, N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, M. Cohen, and H. Franco,
``Connectionist probability estimators in HMM speech recognition'',
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 2, pp.
161-174, 1994.
- 16
H. Franco, M. Cohen, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Context-dependent connectionist probability estimation in a hybrid
HMM-neural net speech recognition system'',
Computer Speech and Language Processing, vol. 8, pp. 211-222,
- 17
H. Franco, V. Abrash, M. Cohen, A. Sankar, and M. Weintraub,
``Hybrid HMM/MLP speech recognition'',
in ARPA Artificial Neural Network Technology 1994 Program
Review, Key West, FL, December 6-8 1994.
- 18
M. Cohen and H. Franco,
``Method and apparatus for context-dependent estimation of multiple
probability distributions of phonetic classes with multilayer perceptrons in
a speech recognition system'', May 31 1994,
U.S. Patent No. 5,317,673.
- 19
V. Abrash, M. Cohen, H. Franco, and I. Arima,
``Incorporating linguistic features in a hybrid HMM/MLP speech
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 673-676, Adelaide, Australia,
- 20
N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, S. Renals, M. Cohen, and H. Franco,
``Hybrid neural network/hidden Markov model systems for continuous
speech recognition'',
in I. Guyon and P.S.P. Wang, editors, Advances in Pattern
Recognition Systems using Neural Network Technologies, vol. 7 of a
Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. World Scientific,
Feb. 1994.
- 21
N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, S. Renals, M. Cohen, and H. Franco,
``Hybrid neural network/hidden Markov model systems for continuous
speech recognition'',
Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 7, pp. 899-916, 1993,
Special Issue on Advances in Pattern Recognition Systems using Neural
- 22
Y. Konig, N. Morgan, C. Wooters, V. Abrash, M. Cohen, and H. Franco,
``Modeling consistency in a speaker independent continuous speech
recognition system'',
in J. S. Hanson, J. D. Cowan, and C. L. Giles, editors, Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, vol. 5. Morgan Kaufman, San
Mateo, CA, 1993.
- 23
H. Franco,
``Implementing a weight elimination and pruning scheme for the hybrid
nn/hmm speech recognition system'',
Technical report, Speech Technology and Research Laboratory SRI
International, Menlo Park CA, 1993.
- 24
M. Cohen, H. Franco, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Context-dependent multiple distribution phonetic modeling with
in J. S. Hanson, J. D. Cowan, and C. L. Giles, editors, Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, pp. 649-157. Morgan Kaufman,
San Mateo, CA, 1993.
- 25
M. Cohen, D. Rumelhart, N. Morgan, H. Franco, V. Abrash, Y. Konig, and
C. Wooters,
``Hybrid neural network / hidden Markov model speech recognition'',
in DARPA Artificial Neural Network Technology Program
Review, Arlington, VA, Apr. 1993.
- 26
S. Renals, N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, H. Franco, and M. Cohen,
``Connectionist optimization of tied mixture hidden Markov
in J. E. Moody, S. J. Hanson, and R. P. Lippmann, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 4, pp. 167-174.
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo CA, 1992.
- 27
S. Renals, N. Morgan, M. Cohen, H. Franco, and H. Bourlard,
``Improving statistical speech recognition'',
in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San
Diego, CA, 1992.
- 28
S. Renals, N. Morgan, M. Cohen, and H. Franco,
``Connectionist probability estimation in the DECIPHER speech
recognition system'',
in Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 601-604, San Francisco, CA,
Mar. 1992.
- 29
H. Franco, M. Cohen, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Context-dependent connectionist probability estimation in a hybrid
hmm-neural net speech recognition system'',
in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.
177-184, Beijing China, 1992.
- 30
M. Cohen, D. Rumelhart, N. Morgan, H. Franco, V. Abrash, and Y. Konig,
``Combining neural networks and hidden Markov models for continuous
speech recognition'',
in ARPA Continuous Speech Recognition Workshop, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, September 21-22 1992.
- 31
M. Cohen, H. Franco, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Multiple-state context-dependent phonetic modeling with MLPs'',
in Proceedings of the Speech Research Symposium XII,
Baltimore, MD, June 1992.
- 32
M. Cohen, H. Franco, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Hybrid neural network/hidden markov model continuous-speech
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken
Language Processing, pp. 915-918, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 1992.
- 33
M. Cohen, H. Franco, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, and V. Abrash,
``Integrating neural networks into computer speech recognition
in Proceedings of the Goverment Microcircuit Applications
Conference (GOMAC), Las Vegas, NV, November 9-12 1992.
- 34
M. Cohen, H. Franco, V. Abrash, N. Morgan, S. Renals, C. Wooters, Y. Konig, and
D. Rumelhart,
``Hybrid HMM-MLP for continuous speech recognition'',
in DARPA Artificial Neural Network Technology Speech
Evaluation Workshop, Arlington, VA, Mar. 1992.
- 35
M. Cohen, H. Franco, N. Morgan, D. Rumelhart, V. Abrash, and Y. Konig,
``Combining neural networks and hidden Markov models'',
in DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, Harriman,
NY, Feb. 1992.
- 36
V. Abrash, H. Franco, M. Cohen, N. Morgan, and Y. Konig,
``Connectionist gender adaptation in a hybrid neural network/hidden
markov model speech recognition system'',
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken
Language Processing, pp. 911-914, Banff, Canada, Oct. 1992.
- 37
S. Renals, N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, M. Cohen, H. Franco, C. Wooters, and
P. Kohn,
``Connectionist speech recognition: Status and prospects'',
Technical Report TR-91-070, International Computer Science Institute,
Berkeley, CA, Dec. 1991.
- 38
N. Morgan, H. Bourlard, C. Wooters, P. Kohn, and M. Cohen,
``Phonetic context in hybrid HMM/MLP continuous speech
in Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Speech
Communication and Technology, Genova, Italy, Sep. 1991.
- 39
D. Rumelhart, M. Cohen, H. Franco, and V. Abrash,
``Supplementing HMM continuous speech recognition with neural
network word spotting'',
in Proceedings of the Speech Research Symposium XI,
Baltimore, MD, June 1991.
- 40
M. Cohen, D. Rumelhart, H. Franco, V. Abrash, N. Morgan, C. Wooters, S. Renals,
H. Bourlard, D. Specht, and P. Shapiro,
``Hybrid neural network / hidden Markov model speech recognition'',
in DARPA Artificial Neural Network Technology Program
Review, Arlington, VA, Dec. 1991.
- 41
M. Cohen, H. Franco, V. Abrash, D. Rumelhart, N. Morgan, H. Bourlard,
C. Wooters, S. Renals, D. Specht, and P. Shapiro,
``Hybrid neural network / hidden Markov model speech recognition'',
in DARPA Neural Network Speech Workshop, Arlington, VA,
Aug. 1991.
- 42
N. Morgan, C. Wooters, H. Bourlard, and M. Cohen,
``Continuous speech recognition on the Resource Management
database using connectionist probability estimation'',
Technical Report TR-90-044, International Computer Science Institute,
Berkeley CA, Sep. 1990.
- 43
N. Morgan, C. Wooters, H. Bourlard, and M. Cohen,
``Continuous speech recognition on the Resource Management
Database using connectionist probability estimation'',
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken
Language Processing, Kobe, Japan, 1990.
- 44
D. Rumelhart, M. Cohen, V. Abrash, H. Bourlard, N. Morgan, D. Specht, and
C. Wooters,
``Hybrid neural network / hidden Markov model speech recognition'',
in DARPA Neural Network Program Review, Arlington, VA,
Oct. 1990.
Victor Abrash
Thu Dec 4 12:28:13 PST 1997