Information Extraction from Speech
Speech and Language Technology for Information Access and Processing
Jerry Hobbs (PI),
Andreas Stolcke (co-PI)
Doug Appelt,
Dilek Hakkani-Tür,
Luc Julia,
David Israel,
David Martin
Madelaine Plauché,
Ze'ev Rivlin,
Elizabeth Shriberg,
Kemal Sönmez,
Gökhan Tür
Project Summary
The goal of this DARPA-funded project is to enhance and integrate
current speech and natural language processing technology to enable
information extraction from audio sources.
This effort is a collaboration of SRI's Speech Technology and Research
Laboratory and the
Natural Language Program
in the Artificial Intelligence Center
In collaboration with AIC's
Perception Program we
are also working on the integration of vision-based technologies (such as
optical character recognition) with speech and natural language.
That effort is also known as SIEVE (Speech and Information
Extraction for Video Exploitation).
In the Press
Research Efforts
We are presently focusing on a number of fundamental research
problems which have to be solved to enable the overall goal
of automatically extracting content from audio/video sources.
Most of these research efforts are being undertaken in collaboration
with other ongoing projects in the STAR Lab and the AI Center.
Most of these technologies are being developed in the
DARPA Broadcast News domain,
with the eventual goal of a sophisticated ``News-on-Demand'' system.
- Speaker Segmentation and Tracking:
This effort develops algorithms for segmenting speech by speaker
and for identifying recurring speakers. This will
enable retrieval of segments based on speaker identity, as well as
enhance other aspects of the system, e.g., by adapting speech
recognition models for individual speakers. This work is a
collaboration with the
Speaker Recognition and
the Consistency Modeling
- Linguistic Segmentation:
Here we aim to detect linguistic events that structure the
input in important ways for further natural language processing.
In particular, we want to detect sentence boundaries, so
that coherent linguistic units can be archived, retrieved, and
handed to an information extraction agent.
Other events of importance are speech disfluencies (such as
self-repairs) which could pose problems for natural language
processing unless detected. This is a collaboration with the
Disfluencies and
Hidden Event Modeling
- Topic Segmentation:
Above the sentence level, we need to segment the audio stream
into stories, or topical units, a step that enables further
content-based processing. Topic segmentation is achieved by
modeling the changing distribution of topic-specific words in
the speech data, as well by the way speakers pause and modulate
their pitch at topic boundaries. By combining both types of cues
we achieve considerably better results than with text-based methods
- Information Extraction and Name Finding:
We are adapting SRI's TextPro System, based on technology
similar to that of SRI's earlier
System to enable information extraction from recognized
speech, dealing in particular with the presence of word errors
and the absence of cues such as capitalization and sentence
punctuation (cf. previous topic). A preliminary stage for
information extraction is the identification of names
(of people, places, and organizations) in the input.
- Knowledge Source Integration:
Because most information sources associated with audio and video
are unreliable, our goal is to enhance recognition technologies
by combining them with each other. For example, we can use
the results of optical character recognition on video to
prime the speech recognizer, or vice-versa. Another example of
model adaptation across modalities involves using names
extracted from textual sources to update the vocabulary of a speech
A key focus of the SIEVE project is the integration of many, multi-modal
information sources (both auditory and visual) for information extraction
purposes. In order to simultaneously browse and visualize
a multitude of parallel, time-aligned information sources we
developed MAESTRO, a graphical interface for
Multimedia Annotation and Enhancement via a
Synergy of automatic Technologies and Reviewing
The name is motivated by the appearance of its
user interface, which resembles
a conductor's score in displaying the results of the various "voices" such
as speech recognition, name extraction, scene detection, speaker tracking,
topic tracking, etc.
A block diagram identifies the various
components that provide input to the MAESTRO interface.
Funding Information
This project is funded through DARPA's Information Technology Office,
Allen Sears, Program Manager, under contract N66001-97-C-8544.
Publications and Presentations
L.P. Heck & A. Sankar (1997),
Acoustic Clustering and
Adaptation for Robust Speech Recognition,
Proc. EUROSPEECH, vol. 4, pp. 1867-1870, Rhodes, Greece.
A. Stolcke, E. Shriberg, R. Bates, M. Ostendorf, D. Hakkani, M. Plauche,
G. Tur, & Y. Lu (1998),
Automatic Detection of Sentence Boundaries and Disfluencies based on
Recognized Words.
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing,
vol. 5, pp. 2247-2250,
Sydney, Australia.
Multimodal Technology Integration for
News-on-Demand. Presentation for DARPA News-on-Demand
Compare-and-Contrast Meeting, September, 1998.
(PowerPoint source)
Combining Words and Prosody for Information Extraction
from Speech.
Presentation at the DARPA
Broadcast News Workshop, Herndon, VA, March 1999.
A. Stolcke, E. Shriberg, D. Hakkani-Tur, G. Tur, Z. Rivlin, & K. Sonmez (1999),
Combining Words and Speech Prosody for Automatic Topic Segmentation.
Broadcast News Workshop, pp. 61-64,
Herndon, VA.
D. Appelt & D. Martin (1999),
Named Entity Recognition
in Speech: Approach and Results Using the TextPro System.
Broadcast News Workshop, pp. 51-54, Herndon, VA.
D. Hakkani-Tur, G. Tur, A. Stolcke, & E. Shriberg (1999),
Combining Words and Prosody for Information Extraction from Speech.
Proc. EUROSPEECH, vol. 5, pp. 1991-1994, Budapest.
A. Stolcke, E. Shriberg, D. Hakkani-Tur, & G. Tur (1999),
Modeling the Prosody of Hidden Events for Improved Word Recognition.
Proc. EUROSPEECH, vol. 1, pp. 307-310, Budapest.
Z. Rivlin, D. Appelt, R. Bolles, A. Cheyer, D. Hakkani-Tur, D. Israel,
L. Julia, D. Martin, G. Myers, K. Nitz, B. Sabata, A. Sankar, E. Shriberg,
K. Sonmez, A. Stolcke, & G. Tur (2000),
Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies,
Communications of the ACM
43(2), 57-63, Special Issue on News on Demand, February 2000.
E. Shriberg, A. Stolcke, D. Hakkani-Tur, & G. Tur (2000),
Prosody-Based Automatic Segmentation of Speech into Sentences and Topics,
Speech Communication 32(1-2), 127-154
(Special Issue on Accessing Information in Spoken Audio).
G. Tur, D. Hakkani-Tur, A. Stolcke, & E. Shriberg (2001),
Integrating Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Automatic Topic Segmentation,
Computational Linguistics, 27(1), 31-57.
E. Shriberg & A. Stolcke (2001),
Prosody Modeling for Automatic Speech Understanding:
An Overview of Recent Research at SRI.
In M. Bacchiani, J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, & M. Ostendorf (eds.),
Proc. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Prosody in
Speech Recognition and Understanding, pp. 13-16, Red Bank, NJ.
E. Shriberg, A. Stolcke, & D. Baron (2001),
Can Prosody Aid the Automatic Processing of Multi-Party Meetings?
Evidence from Predicting Punctuation, Disfluencies, and Overlapping Speech.
In M. Bacchiani, J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, & M. Ostendorf (eds.),
Proc. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Prosody in
Speech Recognition and Understanding, pp. 139-146, Red Bank, NJ.
A. Stolcke & E. Shriberg (2001),
Markovian Combination of Language and Prosodic Models for better Speech
Understanding and Recognition .
Invited talk at the
IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding,
Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, December 2001.
D. Baron, E. Shriberg, and A. Stolcke (2002),
Automatic Punctuation and Disfluency Detection in Multi-Party
Meetings Using Prosodic and Lexical Cues.
Proc. Intl. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, Denver,
vol. 2, pp. 949-952.